Create Coupons
Boost your online sales with discount coupons!
Activate your leads and close more sales with Fygaro Coupon Codes.
Available on all plans with online payments active.
How to create a coupon code?
Enter the products module and select the option "Coupons" on the navigation bar

Click on the "+" icon on the top right of your screen
Fill in the form with all the required information:
What you enter in field "Coupon Code" will be the text of the coupon that your customer must enter when making the purchase to obtain the discount.

Pro tip: The start date allows you to create the coupons in advance, preventing them from being used ahead of time.
The expiration date allows you to automatically disable the promotion on a certain date, without having to manually access and deactivate the coupon.
Save the coupon and you are ready!
If your customers enter the text that you entered in the field "Promo Code" when making a purchase, the coupon will be applied automatically (as long as the coupon is active at that time).
Updated on: 03/09/2023
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