Articles on: Payment Links
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Add Payment Buttons on Wix, Wordpress and more

Install your payment buttons on an existing web site easily.

Select the platform you will like to use:


The first step is to generate your payment button in Fygaro, either for a specific product / service (Create a Product Payment button) or a custom payment button (Create Custom Payment button).

Once created, we will use the option "Embed in Another Site" and copy the code displayed on the screen.

Platform: Wordpress

In our Wordpress we select Create Page or Create Publication.

In the page editor, we select "Add Block", "Format" and select "Custom HTML".

Now paste the code obtained from Fygaro in the "Custom HTML" field of the editor and click on the top right on "Preview" or "View draft" to verify correct operation.

Platform: Wix

If the Wix iFrame does not work, you can use the Wix "link to external website" option on buttons, images and more; and link to the Fygaro Link URL of your choosing.

Once inside Wix and the page created, we will click on "Add", and that will open a menu on the left. We must go down the menu until we find a call "HTML iFrame"

Wix has certain limitations to add external code, so we cannot copy the code from Fygaro directly on the page, but an option called iFrame is used.

It is important that the size of the iFrame is adjusted so as not to create an ugly or untrustworthy appearance to customers.

Now, we have a little gray box to add our code to. We want to go to the "Code Editor" and paste the code obtained from our Fygaro account there.

Once this is done, Wix will update and show us the Fygaro Payment Button. Now we must adapt the size of the gray box so that it allows us to see the Fygaro Payment Button (it must be just, without much extra space and without cutting the button).

When you are ready, you can click on "Preview" to check that everything is fine.

Platform: SquareSpace

Log into your SquareSpace account, and select the "Pages" option (side menu).

Now that you are inside the editor, you can select an existing page or add a new one to the site, and add a new blank section.

On the new page, we must edit the section by clicking on the icon as indicated and then selecting the "code" option.

Now we can paste the code obtained from Fygaro and click on "Apply"

If you get an alert saying that "scripts" have been detected and cannot be saved automatically, nothing happens. Just make sure to manually click on "Save":

Updated on: 06/12/2024

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