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Understand Fygaro bills & charges

If you purchased your service from a reseller, please contact their billings team.

We email you a PDF of your invoice at the start of each billing period for your previous billing period’s activity. This invoice is for information only. No action is required on your part.

In the PDF, you can find a summary of the total charges you owe for the billing period, the invoice number, your account name and charges details.

When Fygaro billing starts

When you sign up for Fygaro, you get a 14-day free trial. After your paid subscription starts, we automatically charge your primary payment method once the 14 days trial is over. If your Free service ends May 10th, for example, we charge you at the beginning of May 11th. After that, the billing cycle continues automatically at the same date of each month.

How your monthly payment is calculated

If you have a monthly billed plan, your total monthly charge for a Fygaro subscription depends on 2 factors:
1. Your Fygaro Plan
Please review our current plan offering at

2. Your gateway usage
If you have activated a bank gateway, you pay for as many transactions as you have received each billing period. This includes both successful and declined transactions, authorizations, reversals, etc.

Prorated payments

On our monthly billed plans, each month, you're charged for your selected plan.

A prorated payment for a partial month can happen, for example, after you upgrade plans.

What your charge looks like

In your monthly credit card or bank statement, charges for a Fygaro subscription appear as FYGARO or FYGARO PANAMA

When a charge attempt fails

If our first attempt to automatically charge your primary payment method fails, we try again. If you get an alert that an automatic payment attempt failed, we recommend validating funds are available in your card and waiting 24 hours for the system to try again.

If the second automatic attempt fails, and your services are suspended, you can attempt to make a manual payment by simply logging into your account.

Updated on: 01/02/2024

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