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Import Products to Fygaro

If you have a long list of products or feel more comfortable working with Excel, this guide will help you import your products to Fygaro.

The process to import products in Fygaro is very simple! The first thing to do is create inventories and suppliers.

Recommended Article: How to create an inventory? 

Go to << Settings >> and from the menu on the left select  << Import >> and then << Products >>

Step 1: From 'Import Products', start by downloading the Excel template..

Step 2:

Each row represents a product to be created.
The products can have multiple versions with the implementation of an option (color, size, etc).
The versions of a product are grouped to the product by its name (it's got to be the same for all its versions).
If a product has multiple versions, each version has to at least implement one option (eg.. Size) and a unique value (eg. small) this will  differentiate it from other versions.
One version of a product can have up to two different Product Options (eg.Color and Size)
If the Product Option field is used, its corresponding value will be required.
Optional fields have [Optional] in their description.

Step 3: Upload the completed Excel template.

¡Done! Your products have been uploaded.

To edit products manually, go to: «Products and Services», and select the product to edit (Remember to save after performing changes)

Updated on: 03/13/2023

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